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Yaroslav Subbotin
Yaroslav Subbotin

Introducing Course Design In English For Specif... ((TOP))

Introducing Genre and English for Specific Purposes provides an overview of how genre has been conceptualized and applied in ESP, as well as the features that distinguish ESP genre research and teaching from those of other genre schools. The macro and micro aspects of ESP genre-based pedagogy are also analysed and include: different possibilities for planning and designing an ESP genre-based course; the concrete, micro aspects of materials creation; and how genres can be learned through play.

Introducing Course Design in English for Specif...


Just as learning outcomes can be designed at the program level or university-wide level, they can also operate at a more granular scale within an individual course. Typically instructors divide their courses into smaller units such as modules or weeks, and many instructors establish learning outcomes for these smaller units that map onto the larger course-level outcomes. As a general rule, as the level of analysis becomes smaller, from course to module to assignment, the learning outcomes tend to be more specific and easily quantifiable.

Clearly written course-level and module-level outcomes are the foundation upon which effective courses are designed. Outcomes inform both the way students are evaluated in a course and the way a course will be organized. Effective learning outcomes are student-centered, measurable, concise, meaningful, achievable and outcome-based (rather than task-based).

While designing a course, instructors are most likely to develop course-level outcomes, which is to say the level of analysis is the course as opposed to the program of study (at a higher level) or module/week (at a lower level)

Teaching and learning frameworks are research-informed models for course design that help instructors align learning goals with classroom activities, create motivating and inclusive environments, and integrate assessment into learning. Frameworks like Backward Design serve as conceptual maps for planning or revising any course, syllabus, or lesson, and can be easily adapted and mixed.

Course design frameworks provide models for achieving learning outcomes in overall courses, crafting the syllabus, and course redesign. Many elements in course design can also be applied to individual class design.

Class design frameworks provide models for achieving learning outcomes in individual class sessions, developing activities, and motivating students. Some frameworks, like Universal Design for Learning, can also apply to course design.

Universal Design for Learning was developed in the early 1990s as a model for addressing the diverse learning needs of students in the classroom. It can be applied to course or single class session designs, and its focus on accessibility makes it an effective approach to ensuring the success of class sessions for every student. UDL operates under three essential principles:

ENGL 182 Composition: Multimodal (5) CStudy and practice of strategies/skills for effective writing/argument in various situations, disciplines, genres; explicit focus on how multimodal elements of writing--words, images, sound, design, etc.-- work together to produce meaning. Cannot be taken if student already received a 2.0 or higher in ENGL 111, 121, or 131.View course details in MyPlan: ENGL 182

ENGL 202 Introduction to the Study of English Language and Literature (5) A&HGateway course designed for English pre-majors and majors. Introduces critical, historical, and theoretical frameworks important to studying the literature, language, and cultures of English. Cannot be taken for credit if student has taken ENGL 301.View course details in MyPlan: ENGL 202

ENGL 282 Intermediate Multimodal Composition (5) CStrategies for composing effective multimodal texts for print, digital physical delivery, with focus on affordances of various modes--words, images, sound, design, and gesture--and genres to address specific rhetorical situations both within and beyond the academy. Although the course has no prerequisites, instructors assume knowledge of academic writing.View course details in MyPlan: ENGL 282

  • Assessable learning outcomes:By the end of the module, students should be able to:account for the rise of ESP and explain the main approaches to it;

  • carry out a needs analysis, selecting from the currently used methods;

  • conduct an ESP course, taking into account the features of the local situation;

  • select authentic materials in a principled way;

  • analyse the linguistic features of the authentic materials, making a principled decision on which features to exploit;

  • evaluate, select and supplement published materials in a principled way;

  • determine appropriate classroom methodology for an ESP course;

  • design appropriate tools for the evaluation of an ESP course;

  • select appropriate test instruments for an ESP course;

  • critically evaluate current approaches used in courses for Business English;

  • critically evaluate current approaches used in courses for English for Academic Purposes.

Outline content: This module covers the following topics: Review of needs analysis, including participants' own needs, language analysis for ESP, consideration of examples of course design for ESP, introduction to EAP: course design, methods and materials, introduction to Business English methods and materials, review of the role of the teacher in ESP, testing and evaluation.

ESP is taught in many universities of the world. Many professional associations of teachers of English (TESOL, IATEFL) have ESP sections. Much attention is devoted to ESP course design.[4][5] ESP teaching has much in common with English as a Foreign or Second Language and English for Academic Purposes (EAP). Quickly developing Business English can be considered as part of a larger concept of English for Specific Purposes.

Drawing from the backward design framework (Wiggins & McTighe, 2005), the first step in the course design process is to determine the purposes and goals of the course. Most instructors do this informally; that is, they have in mind the skills, knowledge, and attitudes they want students to gain by the end of the term. Effective instructional design encourages instructors to express these items in measurable and specific ways, so that students have clear guidance about what is expected of them and how their performance will be assessed. These specific statements are typically called learning objectives.

A compass for instructors: to guide the design of fair course assessment plans, selection of content/activities/teaching strategies/technologies, and make sure all critical course components are purposefully aligned to support student learning.

This article, Online course design structure and interface, (Ralston-Berg & Braatz, 2021) examines the design structure and interface of online courses and explains how program-wide design standards can benefit the learner, educator, and organization as a whole. Standards in program design can help support learner success, and these examples serve as a guide when designing, updating, or improving online adult and continuing education courses.

This standard is met if the text and images presented in the course use accessibility principles in their design. The course or website should be fully accessible and the use of Universal Design for Learning guidelines regarding text and images reduces barriers so all learners can interact with course content.

Designing a course is fundamentally a matter of asking questions in order to provide a reasoned basis for the subsequent processes of syllabus design, materials writing, classroom teaching and evaluation.

Course design is the process and methodology of creating quality learning environments and experiences for students. Through deliberate and structured expose to instructional materials, learning activities, and interaction, students are able to access information, obtain skills, and practice higher levels of thinking. The focus of course design is to put together the optimal learning experiences for students in an environment that is supportive and appreciative of learning and intellectual development.

The backdrop behind effective course design is that the courses themselves constitute the foundation of teaching and learning. An effective design means more students will be able to participate in deeper learning experiences that foster successful learning. At Capital University, the science of good course design is upheld and all of the components of a course are deliberate. Whether in general education or program-specific education, courses must constitute the foundation of student learning. Therefore, effective course design should result in our programs making a positive impact and resulting in the appropriate intended student outcomes. See Figure 1 for an illustration of the overall structure of course designs. Program identification, together with effective course design, should make for optimal student learning and the achievement of intended student outcomes.

Our courses are shorter than those at other institutions, making them intensive and fast-paced. Some courses are intended to prepare you for a research degree; others are oriented toward specific professional skills. All of our taught programmes are designed to challenge and inspire you, and help you to build transferable skills that are sought after by employers.

Our part-time courses are designed with the needs of students at different life and career stages in mind. You may be looking to study for a further qualification and enhance your career prospects while in employment, or to develop your knowledge and skills while balancing home-based commitments.

This course is designed for non-native English speakers who are interested in learning more about the global business economy. In this course, you will learn about topics and language necessary to succeed in the international workplace. You will explore business English through authentic readings and video lectures, while learning about business vocabulary, concepts, and issues. Unit 1 will provide an introduction to entrepreneurship by examining ideas, products, and opportunities. In unit 2, you will learn about the basics of market research, including how to identify an opportunity. The next unit in the course will focus on business plans, why these plans are important, and will give you a chance to practice composing a business plan. In the final unit of the course, we will present basics for funding a business and will help you create a persuasive presentation, or pitch, based on a business plan. Unless otherwise noted, all course materials are available for re-use, repurposing and free distribution under a Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution license. 041b061a72


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